ChatGPT Walkthrough

ChatGPT Walkthrough



Video Transcript

Welcome back to our walkthrough of ChatGPT. This is an introduction to a concept called prompt engineering.

By the way, I'm feeling a little sick today, so I decided to employ another AI technology. I submitted text to an AI tool that creates audio from my text. It's not perfect, but it is pretty good. Best of all, it allows me to change my voice...maybe you'd rather have a female voice...or perhaps I can talk to you with a cheery English accent.

I think I'll keep a voice that is somewhat like my own.

The way we interact with GenAI tools (no longer GAITs) is through a prompt. A prompt is a bit of text you provide to the tool that generates a response. A prompt is made up of two parts, the directive, and the parameters.

Let's log into ChatGPT at the address shown. You will need to log-in with an email even for the free version (no longer true). I'm using my home email address, because I have a paid account for TU and get a slightly different interface.

You can see there are only a few controls and a simple interface. You have a list of previous chats on the left, so you can pick up where you left off. You will start with a blank chat box.

It's important to tell you that using ChatGPT is a conversation. It has a memory. It will remember what you wrote earlier in the same Chat. This means you can refine a response without needing to rewrite it completely every time. However, if you start a new chat, it will forget everything. I'll show you in a response in a second. We need to create the initial prompt first.

Creating a prompt is a logical exercise, like searching Google, finding resources in the library or programming. But you can write in regular English. While you don't have to know any special language, you will get the best results by understanding how to generate a solid prompt.

There are three Cs to prompts.

The first C is clarity. To get the best results, you must be precise in what you are asking a tool like Chat GPT. You should be specific about what you want. As with many things, garbage in, garbage out.

For example, let's consider a prompt to create an email to send to your instructor. Clarity includes the specifics of your directive. The directive is either a question or instruction to the AI tool. In this case, I'm going to be late on an assignment and need to email my instructor. So, I will type the following prompt.

Write an email to my instructor because I am late on an assignment.

The second C is Context. Context is where you write parameters for your entry. You could provide an emotion. For instance, I might ask the email to be friendly or hopeful.

Write a friendly email to my instructor because I am late on an assignment.

It's usually good practice to give ChatGPT a role, too. In this case, I want to tell ChatGPT that I am a college student at Tiffin University in the DLT101 class with Dr. Clark as my instructor.

I am Jason Bock, a college student at Tiffin University taking DLT-101. My instructor is Dr. Clark. Write a friendly email to my instructor because I am late on an assignment.

The final C is Creativity. You can tell ChatGPT to be very plain or very creative. You can also provide limits on the output. For our example, I'm going to tell ChatGPT that I want the email in the form of a Haiku because I know Dr. Clark likes Haikus. I could also put a limit on how many words ChatGPT will produce.

I am Jason Bock, a college student at Tiffin University taking DLT-101. My instructor is Dr. Clark. Write a friendly email to my instructor because I am late on an assignment. This email should be structured like a Haiku.

Let's try our Haiku email out!


Subject: Apologies for Late Assignment

Hello Dr. Clark,

Late assignment comes,
Apologies I bring forth,
DLT journey goes on.

Best regards,
Jason Bock

Now, I realize that a Haiku might not be the best format for an email. Since this is a chat, ChatGPT will remember what we've talked about before. So I can just ask the tool in plain English to rewrite the email as a normal email and stop writing as a haiku.

Rewrite the email as a normal professional email instead of a Haiku.


Subject: Apologies for the Delay in Submitting Assignment

Dear Dr. Clark,

I hope this email finds you well. I want to extend my sincere apologies for the delay in submitting the recent assignment for DLT-101. Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances arose that impacted my ability to meet the original deadline.

I take full responsibility for this oversight and understand the importance of timely submissions. I assure you that I am committed to completing and submitting the assignment as soon as possible. I deeply value the course and the knowledge I'm gaining from it.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration. I appreciate the opportunity to learn in your class and I will make sure to manage my time more effectively moving forward.

Please let me know if there are any specific guidelines or steps I should follow for submitting the late assignment.

Thank you for your time and understanding.

Best regards,
Jason Bock

This is much better.

Remember a few key points.

  • While we're using ChatGPT, the idea of prompting works with all of the GGenAI tools out there.
  • All AI tools have limitations, one of ChatGPT's is that it does not have any information newer than 2021, so it won't know about recent events.
  • And, just to repeat over and over, when you're prompting for facts, they will not always be accurate.

Let's try a more academic prompt. I am going to start a new prompt. I want to create an outline for a paper on the problem of brain drain in Toledo, Ohio. Brain drain is the idea that young college students don't return home to undesirable locations like the industrial city of Toledo after they graduate.

Let me give my prompt clarity and context. I'm going to ask my question and provide a frame of reference. In this case, instead of a specific person, I want the paper to be authoritative. I'm going to give ChatGPT a more general role by pretending to be a social scientist, specifically a sociologist.

Write as though you are a sociologist. Create an outline for a 5 page paper about brain drain from Toledo, Ohio.

I want the outline to include some resources I can work with. So, I will add this information at the end of my prompt. This is known as a nested's a second related request. I will ask for 3 peer-reviewed journal articles to support the outline.

Write as though you are a sociologist. Create an outline for a 5 page paper about brain drain from Toledo, Ohio. After the outline, include at least 3 APA7 formatted resources that discuss the topic. These resources should be peer-reviewed journals.


Title: Brain Drain from Toledo, Ohio: Understanding Causes, Consequences, and Mitigation Strategies


This paper explores the phenomenon of brain drain from Toledo, Ohio, focusing on the causes, consequences, and potential mitigation strategies. Through an examination of peer-reviewed literature, this paper aims to shed light on the socio-economic implications of brain drain for the local community and the broader region.


  • Definition of brain drain and its significance in regional development
  • Introduction to Toledo, Ohio, as a case study
  • Purpose of the paper: understanding the factors contributing to brain drain, its effects, and potential solutions

Causes of Brain Drain from Toledo:

Educational Opportunities:

  • Limited higher education institutions offering specialized programs
  • Lack of research opportunities and academic infrastructure

Economic Factors:

  • Limited job opportunities in high-skill industries
  • Lower average salaries compared to other regions
  • Insufficient entrepreneurial ecosystem

Cultural and Social Dynamics:

  • Perception of Toledo as a less vibrant and culturally diverse city
  • Attractions of larger urban centers for social and entertainment activities

Consequences of Brain Drain:

Economic Impact:

  • Decrease in human capital available for local industries
  • Reduced innovation and technological advancement
  • Negative effects on local economic growth

Demographic Shifts:

  • Aging population due to outmigration of younger, educated individuals
  • Potential strain on social services and healthcare systems

Civic and Cultural Impact:

  • Diminished civic engagement and community involvement
  • Loss of cultural diversity and local talent

Mitigation Strategies:

Enhancing Educational Opportunities:

  • Collaborations between local universities and industries
  • Investment in research infrastructure and centers of excellence

Economic Diversification and Innovation:

  • Incentives for tech startups and innovative businesses
  • Encouraging entrepreneurship through funding and mentorship programs

Cultural and Social Enhancement:

  • Revitalization of urban spaces and cultural venues
  • Promoting Toledo's unique cultural identity and strengths


  • Recap of the causes and consequences of brain drain in Toledo, Ohio
  • Emphasis on the importance of collaborative efforts between government, academia, and industry
  • Call for future research and ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of mitigation strategies

APA7 Formatted Resources:

  1. Author(s): Smith, J. A., & Johnson, L. B.
    Year: 2020
    Title: The Role of Educational Opportunities in Brain Drain: A Case Study of Toledo, Ohio
    Journal: Regional Development Review
    Volume: 15(2)
    Pages: 120-136
  2. Author(s): Williams, R. C., & Davis, M. E.
    Year: 2019
    Title: Economic Factors Influencing Outmigration: A Study of Brain Drain from Toledo, Ohio
    Journal: Journal of Urban Economics
    Volume: 25(4)
    Pages: 450-468
  3. Author(s): Martinez, A. C., & Thompson, E. D.
    Year: 2018
    Title: Building a Resilient City: Mitigating Brain Drain Through Cultural Revitalization in Toledo, Ohio
    Journal: Community Development Journal
    Volume: 30(3)
    Pages: 275-290


I have a great outline and three sources.

But, there's a problem here. I'm not going to share my screen for this part, but I checked all three of these resources. They look perfect in APA format, but they aren't real.

None of the three articles exists. The authors aren’t real. The Journal of Urban Economics and the Community Development Journal are real, but the Regional Development Review is not.

It only took me seconds and a Google search to verify these articles were fake.

This is the most important thing you need to know. No matter how confident and accurate ChatGPT or other GenAI tools sound, they could be wrong. They are all inaccurate at times. You must think critically and review all of ChatGPT's responses.